Om E

 Kim Fredsgård Iversen

A littel about me:

Yes, what should I start with ???

I have always been a very quiet person, however, there are exceptions from time to time, even show there is a long way between, I like nature, and be out in it, but also like just lying on the couch with a good movie, I love a good movie, which is probably why I have approx. 600 pcs. standing, I live in the country, Right now in Kegnæs, as the picture on the front page shows, is not so much for city life.

I am very happy for my farmilie, and also have some residents at intervals, here in my home the door is always open for all farmilie and friends who need a place to be, whether it is for a holiday or something, unfortunately is I am not so lucky myself to have founded farmilie enu, but have a hope that it will probably happen one day, children are something that the most important thing is here in the world, I love children, and have also worked a lot with children through my life.

Privately, I do not mind cooking, but I HATE washing up, long live the dishwasher, but I like to bake, but it mostly turns into french bread, and once in a while a chocolate cake, and sometimes I just suddenly want to try something new, and then I do it, if you do not succeed, you just have to try again.

That's what I just want to write, if there are any questions, please send me an email.

Work & Future

Jeg stoppede i Januar med at arbejde for Stark efter 9 år, efter at være blevet opsagt pga. strukturændringer i organisationen, & besluttede så igen at prøve af finde en voksenlæreplads som elektriker, som jeg altid gerne ville, & med hjælp fra jobcenteret kom jeg i firmapraktik i fire uger fos sydjysk eltekniq her på Sydals, & det var fire fantastiske uger, & da praktikperioden sluttede blev jeg ansat med løntilskud, ind til jeg kan starte på grundforløb på teknisk skole, som er fra August 2015 til Januar 2016, der efter fik jeg så en voksenlæreplads igen hos sydjysk eltekniq, & det er pragtfuldt at være i arbejde igen, specielt med noget mand elsker at arbejde med, så jeg er meget glad for hvordan tingende udfolder sig i fremtiden.

Korte beskrivelser:

  • Will be happy to help if anyone needs it

  • Love children

  • Baker, e.g. French bread, roulade, chocolate cake, etc.

  • Knitting & sewing

  • Sometimes play ps4 or pc games

  • Watch a good movie, sci-fi, action, thriller

  • Be out in nature

  • Likes camping

  • Try new things, just to see if I can

Tidligere jobs

Kindergarten class Østerlundskolen:

I have been working in østerlundskolen's kindergarten class for a lame year, & it was fantastically cozy and fun.


I was approx. 4.5 years at danfoss as a specialist worker.

Dybbøl vinduer:

I was a truck driver here for approx. 1 year.

Super ekspres service:

Her var jeg desvære også kun ca. 1 år, før han stoppede firmaet.

Roulunds fabrikker:

Her var jeg i 1 års til, og arbejdede med at ligge gummi på stof, der blev brugt til kilremme, kølerslanger, & flydespær.

Taxa Fyn:

Here I have been driving for the last 10 years, mostly as a replacement, but not so long ago.

Tommerup trælasthandel/Stark Tommerup:

This is where I spent the first 7.5 years of my 9 years in Stark Som, parcels, consignee, delivery manager, parcel manager, purchaser.

Stark Sønderborg:

I was here for the last 1.5 years, & only worked with goods receipt.